Welcome to Mapping with R
A workshop for mapping with R.
Download the data for this workshop using the tar.gz or .zip folders above. Workshop instructions are available as a .pdf within either download.
Note: You may have to install gdal before proceding: http://gdal.org/
This tutorial walks through three examples demonstrating how geospatial data can be manipulated and visualized in R. We assume you have downloaded R and know how to run R commands. For those unfamiliar with R or GIS mapping, below are a few introductory resources for exploration:
- R
- Tutorials for learning R on r-bloggers.com
- Quick R by Robert I. Kabacoff, Ph.D.
- R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadly Wickham
- GIS mapping
- A Gentle Introduction to GIS by QGIS; map projections in particular
- Introduction to GIS by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development; information about map projections on p.72
As you go through the tutorial, any time you’d like to see more information about a function, place a ?
before its name:
R packages for geospatial data
Each example within this tutorial introduces a variety of R packages to visualize maps in R. Below we provide short descriptions of the R packages used in each example throughout this tutorial, which can to be installed with the following code:
install.packages(c("acs", "choroplethr", "choroplethrMaps", "maptools", "rgeos",
"mapproj", "RColorBrewer", "maps", "geosphere", "rgdal", "reshape", "ggplot2"))
Packages used in:
- EXAMPLE 1: Mapping Census Data
- ACS & choroplethr - can be used together to easily make choroplethGCT-PEPANNRES maps using data from the American Community Survey (ACS), yearly census data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau. To access ACS data you need an API key. Visit http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html, request a key, and paste it into the line below:
- choroplethrMaps - contains a global map and maps of the USA used by the choroplethr package.
- EXAMPLE 2: Working with Shapefiles, Projections, and Visualization
- maptools - contains functions for reading and manipulating geographic data, including ESRI shapefiles.
- rgdal - geospatial data abstraction and projection / transformation.
- RColorBrewer - provides color schemes that are especially useful for creating thematic maps.
- ggplot2 - package for creating and customizing graphics is R.
- rgeos - contains functions for performing geometric analysis. For example
calculates the length of input geometry, whilegBuffer()
adds a buffer to an input feature. - mapproj - simple package for converting from latitude and logitude into projected coordinates.
- EXAMPLE 3: Migration Distances Map
- maps another simple set of tools for creating maps, with links to several databases of spatial data.
- geosphere - supports trigonometric calculations for geographic applications. For example, computing distance to the horizon from a given location and altitude.
- reshape - reshapes data from ‘wide’ format (where repeated measurements are located across multiple columns) to ‘long’ format (where repeated measurements are spread across unique rows)
- mapproj - simple package for converting from latitude and logitude into projected coordinates.
EXAMPLE 1: Mapping Census Data
This example introduces how to access and plot American Community Survey (ACS) yearly census data by the U.S. Census Bureau through choropleth maps.
Packages used: ACS, choroplethr, choroplethrMaps
After installing packages (see introduction), load needed packages:
We need an api key to access the ACS data. Visit http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html, request a key, and paste it into the line below:
api.key.install("<ACS API key>")
Great, now we have access to the census data. Table B19301 contains per capita income for the year of 2011. Lets plot it!
county_choropleth_acs(tableId = "B19301")
US county chloropleth using ACS per capita income data
To see the description of a function and its arguments in R, remember you can place a “?” before its name:
You can explore the ACS data on the Census Bureau’s website: http://factfinder.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml Be sure to set the dataset to one of the ACS sources under Topics -> dataset. Use the ID column to find your tableID variable. Here’s another example to get you started playing around with these functions:
state_choropleth_acs("B01002", num_colors = 1, zoom = c("texas", "louisiana",
"mississippi", "alabama", "georgia", "florida"))
EXAMPLE 2: Working with Shapefiles, Projections, and Visualization
This example loads and plots both polygon and point shapefiles, uses the rgdal
library to change projections, uses the over
function to join datasets, and provides a few visualization examples.
Packages used: maptools, rgdal, RColorBrewer, ggplot2
After installing packages (see introduction), load needed packages:
In this example we will work with the data provided along with this tutorial. Make sure you have unzipped the folder county_census before proceeding! The following prompts you to select the provided county census shapefiles at the path …county_census/County_2010Census_DP1.shp.
counties <- readShapeSpatial(file.choose(), proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
Note that the second parameter of the maptools function readShapeSpatial
was a string representing the projection of the data, called a prj4
string. So far we’ve used “+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84”, which is simply unprojected longitude and latitude coordinates.
Inspect the first few rows of the counties data to get a feel for its structure:
Census data assigns codes to counties using the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). A FIPS code starts with two digits representing the state, and is followed by three digits representing the county. For example, Florida is 12 and Clay County Florida is 12019. To select all the counties in Florida we can use a regular expression matching all codes that start with “12”:
florida <- counties[substring(counties$GEOID10, 1, 2) == "12", ]
You can look up other state and county codes using the U.S. Census Bureau site: https://www.census.gov/geo/reference/codes/cou.html
Projection and Layering with RGDAL
Next we’ll work more with projections using library rgdal
. We’re going to read in a shape file of cultural points in Florida from the supplied data, again using function readShapeSpatial()
. We know already that our cultural centers layer uses NAD83(HARN) / Florida GDL Albers. We can make the EPSG data frame of projections to find the prj4
string for this projection (use ?make_EPSG()
to find out more about this table):
EPSG <- make_EPSG()
We can use regular expressions to search the note field of EPSG
for any that refer to Florida:
EPSG[grep("florida", EPSG$note, ignore.case = TRUE), 1:2]
## code note
## 705 2236 # NAD83 / Florida East (ftUS)
## 706 2237 # NAD83 / Florida West (ftUS)
## 707 2238 # NAD83 / Florida North (ftUS)
## 1245 2777 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida East
## 1246 2778 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida West
## 1247 2779 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida North
## 1349 2881 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida East (ftUS)
## 1350 2882 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida West (ftUS)
## 1351 2883 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida North (ftUS)
## 1553 3086 # NAD83 / Florida GDL Albers
## 1554 3087 # NAD83(HARN) / Florida GDL Albers
## 1978 3511 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida East
## 1979 3512 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida East (ftUS)
## 1980 3513 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida GDL Albers
## 1981 3514 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida North
## 1982 3515 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida North (ftUS)
## 1983 3516 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida West
## 1984 3517 # NAD83(NSRS2007) / Florida West (ftUS)
## 3074 6437 # NAD83(2011) / Florida East
## 3075 6438 # NAD83(2011) / Florida East (ftUS)
## 3076 6439 # NAD83(2011) / Florida GDL Albers
## 3077 6440 # NAD83(2011) / Florida North
## 3078 6441 # NAD83(2011) / Florida North (ftUS)
## 3079 6442 # NAD83(2011) / Florida West
## 3080 6443 # NAD83(2011) / Florida West (ftUS)
## 3747 26758 # NAD27 / Florida East
## 3748 26759 # NAD27 / Florida West
## 3749 26760 # NAD27 / Florida North
## 3895 26958 # NAD83 / Florida East
## 3896 26959 # NAD83 / Florida West
## 3897 26960 # NAD83 / Florida North
We see the code we’re looking for is 3087. Extract the prj4
string from this dataframe:
subset(EPSG, code == 3087)
prjstring <- subset(EPSG, code == 3087)$prj4
Inspect our prjstring
variable if you want to see the format of the prj4
Now that we have the appropriate prj4
we can read in the cultural centers data. The following prompts you to select the shape file. Select the actual .shp
file in the provided data from …cultural_centers/gc_culturecenter_oct15.shp.
cultural <- readShapeSpatial(file.choose(), proj4string = CRS(prjstring))
Before we overlay the cultural points, we need to transform this layer to match that of the Florida counties layer - simple longitude and latitude in WGS84:
cultural_proj <- spTransform(cultural, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
Change symbology of points
You can play around with the symbology for your map with some additional arguments in the points
function. For example:
points(cultural_proj, cex = 0.8, pch = 24, col = 554, bg = "grey")
Join polygon data to points
Use over()
function to overlay cultural_proj
(points) and florida
(polygon) layers.
county_data <- over(cultural_proj, florida)
cultural_proj$pop <- county_data$DP0010001
Change symbology of points to gradient of colors
brks <- c(0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) * 1e+06
cols <- brewer.pal(5, "Greens")
mapcols <- cols[findInterval(cultural_proj$pop, vec = brks)]
plot(cultural_proj, col = mapcols, pch = 20)
Base R instructions for choropleth
brks <- c(25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65)
cols <- brewer.pal(8, "Purples")
mapcols <- cols[findInterval(florida$DP0020001, vec = brks)]
plot(florida, col = mapcols, border = "white")
legend("bottomleft", legend = levels(cut(florida$DP0020001, brks)), fill = cols,
title = "Median Age")
Using ggplot2 package
ggplot2 is a powerful package for visualizing data and contains a variety of functions that make it versatile. See http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/index.html
for a helpful list describing ggplot2’s various functions.
fl_shapes <- fortify(florida, region = "GEOID10")
ggplot() + geom_map(data = as.data.frame(florida), aes(map_id = GEOID10, fill = DP0020001),
map = fl_shapes) + expand_limits(x = fl_shapes$long, y = fl_shapes$lat) +
scale_fill_gradient2(low = "seagreen", mid = "white", high = "darkorchid4",
midpoint = 47, limits = c(29, 65)) + coord_map(projection = "mercator")
EXAMPLE 3: Migration Distances Map
This example loads both a shapefile and .csv file, transforms the data set with a melt function, and writes a function that maps the distance data contained in the .csv file.
Packages used: maps, geosphere, reshape, maptools
After installing packages (see introduction), load needed packages:
Import shapefile and .csv file
Import shapefile of map of continental United States. Choose state_shapes/tl_2014_us_state.shp
file when prompted.
state <- readShapeSpatial(file.choose())
Import data file of migration distances between U.S.A. states. Choose state_migrations_2014.csv
file when prompted.
migration <- read.csv(file.choose())
Extract state names and geographic coordinate (latitude and longitude) information from state
shapefile; save it into a data frame called centrs
centrs <- data.frame(as.character(state@data$NAME), coordinates(state))
colnames(centrs) <- c("name", "long", "lat")
Reshape data with melt function
Redefine the migration
data set to only include columns 1 & 6-through-56 of data. Then use melt
function from reshape
package to transform data set into rows representing unique instances of data, based on a selected variable id (in our case, the from_state
variable). For more on the melt
function, see https://www.r-bloggers.com/melt/.
migration <- migration[c(1, 6:56)]
long_mig <- melt(migration, id.vars = "from_state")
Create a mapping function
Create a function named data_from_state
that maps migration distances from any state selected. NOTE: To use this function, a map must be drawn (i.e. a new plot must be called) first.
draw_from_state <- function(centrs, migrations, state_name, color = rgb(0, 0,
0, alpha = 0.5)) {
migrations$variable <- sub(".", " ", migrations$variable, fixed = TRUE)
migrations <- migrations[migrations$variable == state_name & migrations$from_state !=
state_name, ]
for (i in 1:nrow(migrations)) {
if (nrow(centrs[centrs$name == as.character(migrations[i, ]$from_state),
]) > 0) {
from_long <- centrs[centrs$name == as.character(migrations[i, ]$from_state),
from_lat <- centrs[centrs$name == as.character(migrations[i, ]$from_state),
to_long <- centrs[centrs$name == as.character(migrations[i, ]$variable),
to_lat <- centrs[centrs$name == as.character(migrations[i, ]$variable),
number <- migrations[i, ]$value
lines(gcIntermediate(c(from_long, from_lat), c(to_long, to_lat),
n = 50, addStartEnd = TRUE), lwd = sqrt(number)/50, col = color)
Using our mapping function: example 1
First draw imported state
Now use written function to map migration distances from Florida.
draw_from_state(centrs, long_mig, "Florida", rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.5))
Using our mapping function: example 2
First draw a world map (limited to North and Central America by creating x- and y-coordinate limits), and subsquently use written function to map migration distances from Wyoming onto map.
xlim <- c(-171.738281, -56.601563)
ylim <- c(12.039321, 71.856229)
map("world", col = "#f2f2f2", fill = TRUE, bg = "white", lwd = 0.05, xlim = xlim,
ylim = ylim)
draw_from_state(centrs, long_mig, "Wyoming", rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.5))